Post by DAMON on Jul 3, 2015 13:42:00 GMT
Hello all, Ilford Wargames Club are moving to a new venue very near to the old one, however they are looking for new members as the current members are falling to a level that means the club may struggle to survive in the future, the new venue has an annual membership fee of £5 and the club would charge £2 per session, they cuurently meet on sundays and this probably won't change at the new venue, however they may look to open the club on a week night which is something we could contribute to if we have a regular attendance, please let me know if you are interested and then i can let Madan know, thanks.
Post by macca on Jul 3, 2015 14:55:46 GMT
Yep I,m up for a week night.
Post by mr2key on Jul 3, 2015 15:40:46 GMT
Where Is the new venue?
Post by riot on Jul 3, 2015 16:06:56 GMT
up for it
Post by germanicus on Jul 7, 2015 20:56:23 GMT
Yah, I'd be up for this depending... Tanelorn is all Guildball and Relic Knights atm... <__>
Where is the new place?
Post by Madan Mitra on Jul 23, 2015 22:53:08 GMT
Hi Guys,
IWG is curtrently at 17 members, on average we get about 7 to 8 per week. However the Scout Hut is now too expensive for us to stay there so I found us a new new that is just too cheap to not move. Join for a fiver for the year and its £2 per person per session... thats it, so if only 2 people turn up we only pay £4 not the £40 that we would have to have paid at the scouts...
The new venus is 50 yards as the crow flies behind the current Scout Hut....http://redbridgesc.webs.com/ is their website so you can see exactly where it is.
We officilaly move on the 2nd of August and I have a new group of Role Players that are joining. We will continue to run the IWG club on Sundays from 2 to 6 (there abouts) but a few of the guys where wondering if anyone was interested in a week night...Tuesday is the only night that has a free room but that all depends on the numbers we get, we cant just run it for a couple of people...
Anyways, if your looking for a Cheap Home... I got a place...
laters Madan
Post by macca on Jul 24, 2015 10:47:49 GMT
Just had a look at the website and it looks very good, ample free parking and I would not begrudge the membership or session fees based on that alone. I would definately be up for a regular Tuesday session.
Post by riot on Jul 24, 2015 12:07:17 GMT
Me and Ed were talking about this on the drive home last night. Might be a BOYL on the 2nd but if not I will be there. Do we need to arrange games here or do you guys have a forum?
Post by madan on Jul 24, 2015 21:22:43 GMT
Hi Guys,
Nope, we don't have a forum, we are shit at using anything more complex then emails.
Please do not make any plans for the Tuesday Night Wargames thing. I have only just negotiated Joining the RSC (thats what the fiver is for, you join the RSC and come under their Public Liability Insurence & Membership). Once we have secured our position at the RSC and shown ourselves to be a responsable group I will put in an Application to extend the Sunday to an additional Weekday.
Tuesday is the ony evening that they have 1 of the rooms free... The big one is being used for Yoga, the next one is the one is being used for Table Tennis and then there is the Lounge that doubles as an additional room for activities.
It looks like the Lounge is the free one on Tuesdays... let me see what I can sort out for the future. You are all more than welcome on a Sunday to join in or start something yourselves.
Currently we do not have storage until we can clear some space out but this is sligthly political and problamatic for the RSC not us...I will get some space in time be sure on that, in the mean time we have to bring our stuff and take it away...
Feel free to pop and in and have a tea/coffee and we can chat some more. It would be good to meet up again and plan some games. Speaking of which, at the end of August Game of Thrones RISK is being released, I will be playing it quite a bit as preperation for running a Wargames Campaign using it as the basis for Campign Rules, if your interested...
laters Madan
Post by germanicus on Jul 26, 2015 21:12:24 GMT
Sounds good... Guess we can arrange games on here and it'll be a good regular venue for our intended SW campaign, eh, macca? :) madan - out of interest, what systems do you guys generally play?
Post by madan on Jul 27, 2015 16:41:02 GMT
We tend to play, hammer slammers, saga, FOG, Art de la Guerre Ancients, FOW,Chain of Command, home brew Bughunt, looking to start Mantic Kings of War, Sound General Quarters ww2 naval, writing my own faction for Age of Stigma- the Kights who day NIH !...
However, we are open to most games and sometimes it just takes some to start something...like saga...